Tag: Polifonia

Polifonia Song Contest is two weeks in, and will continue for another two weeks. Have you downloaded the sample pack yet?

With two weeks to go until the deadline, the "Polifonia Song Contest" beckons all musicians who find…

22 April 2024

Are you the type of musician that is inspired by old sounds, such as cheerful Irish folk melodies, the majestic resonance of pipe organ concerts, and the timeless chimes echoing from century-old Italian bell towers? Then ‘Polifonia Song Contest’ is your challenge!

Are you the type of musician that is inspired by old sounds, such as cheerful Irish folk melodies, the…

8 April 2024

The consortium is preparing for the last face-to-face consortium meeting of the Polifonia project in April 2024.

The consortium is preparing for the last face-to-face consortium meeting of the Polifonia project in…

4 April 2024

Polifonia is known for its strong links with academia and is pleased to present some highlights in its involvement in research and associated conferences.

Polifonia is known for its strong links with academia and is pleased to present some highlights in its…

29 February 2024

In 2024, Paul Mulholland, Naomi Barker and Paul Warren (The Open University, U.K) are continuing their experiment investigating how different kinds of music influence the appreciation of an artwork; and to what extent the same kind of sense-making processes are used when viewing artwork and when listening to music. To do this, the researchers are looking for more participants. They have now automated the process so that participants can complete the experiment online without the involvement of an experimenter.

Music instrument with music notes on white background illustration In 2024, Paul Mulholland, Naomi…

17 January 2024

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746