Europeana PRO presents: webinar (11 july) on Polifonia results ‘Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge’
Polifonia recently released results of 40 months of research and development at the intersection of musicology, semantic web technologies, AI and Music Information Retrieval. And the Polifonia Web Portal, which enhances the discoverability of European musical heritage with Linked Open Data and Knowledge Graphs, can now be explored.

Polifonia recently released results of 40 months of research and development at the intersection of musicology, semantic web technologies, AI and Music Information Retrieval. And the Polifonia Web Portal, which enhances the discoverability of European musical heritage with Linked Open Data and Knowledge Graphs, can now be explored. This project, however, has more to offer; research and development within the work packages and the 10 pilots also include the release of open source software, tools, datasets and ontologies. This webinar will highlight some of these components that promote research and innovation in musicology, digital humanities, heritage preservation and education.
Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge
Thursday 11 July 2024
15:00h — 16:15h CEST
15.00 — ‘An Introduction to Polifonia’ by Andrea Scharnhorst (5′)
15.05 — ‘An Introduction to the Polifonia Web Portal’ by Giulia Renda (10′+5′ Q&A)
15.20 — ‘Results of the MEETUPS pilot’ by Alba Morales-Tirado (10′+5′ Q&A)
15.35 — ‘Results of the ORGANS pilot’ by Peter van Kranenburg (10′+5′ Q&A)
15.50 — ‘Results of the BELLS pilot’ by Elena Musumeci (10′+5′ Q&A)
16.15 — End of webinar
This webinar is supported by the EuropeanaTech community. This Europeana PRO community is mainly concerned with sharing knowledge and best practices around data workflows, LOD, AI and 3D, as well as it leads the Cultural Heritage field toward useful open source tools.