Copernicus Festival 2022: keynote on Polifonia by Valentina Presutti
We all live in information bubbles – there is complete agreement on that. But is it good or bad? These and other questions will be answered by the guest speakers of “Copernicus Festival 2022: Information”, starting on 17 May in Krakow.

We all live in information bubbles – there is complete agreement on that. But is it good or bad? These and other questions will be answered by the guest speakers of “Copernicus Festival 2022: Information”, starting on 17 May in Krakow.
On the last day of this 6-day festival, Sunday the 22nd, our project coordinator Valentina Presutti will hold a keynote at this festival and outline the purpose of the Polifonia project. Europe’s cultural heritage holds a mine of undiscovered information about music. The aim of Polifonia is to uncover this information!
Want to join this festival in Krakow? Head to the Museum of Engineering and Technology and enter this keynote for free. Find the program here: