Polifonia is ready for its first Stakeholder Network Workshop on tuesday Sept. 20.

Polifonia organises its first hybrid Stakeholder Network meet up at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers in Paris. In the meeting Polifonia welcomes 30 Stakeholder Network members from 15 countries. The goal of the day is to establish a clear mapping between the first outcomes of the project and the goals and interests of stakeholders.

19 September 2022

Tomorrow Polifonia organises its first hybrid Stakeholder Network meet up at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers in Paris. In the meeting Polifonia welcomes 30 Stakeholder Network members from 15 countries. The goal of the day is to establish a clear mapping between the first outcomes of the project and the goals and interests of stakeholders.

Meet the Stakeholders

After a summer of outreach activities, we’re thrilled to have established a connection with so many enthusiastic international stakeholders that share our passion for music! Polifonia warmly welcomes the following organisations and individuals to its network: DARIAH-EU (Adeline Joffres), Göteborgs internationella orgelakademi (Eleanor Smith), Utrecht University (Rebekah Ahrendt, Frans Wiering, Mirjam Visscher), Deezer (Romain Hennequin), Podiumkunst.net (Monique in het Veld, Eric van Balkum), Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales – Didone (Clara Criado Hernandez), VAST – Values Across Space and Time (Konstantina Giouvanopoulou), Phonographics Performance Limited (Adam Timlett), Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Genova e La Spezia (Claudio Rizzoni), Music Department – University of Glasgow (Tim Duguid), Philharmonie de Paris (Rodolphe Bailly), University of Louvain (Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans), Universidad Complutense de Madrid – IDEA Lab Research Group (Rosario Arquero Avilés), HuC-KNAW (Dirk van Miert), IC Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca (Carmela Petolicchio), PRISM Laboratory (Joséphine Simonnot), SRC UNIVLORA (Lorena Serjanaj), Grieg Research Centre – University Bergen (Arnulf Mattes), Peachnote GmbH (Vladimir Viro), Ricercar Lab – Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance (Philippe Vendrix, Kévin Roger), Institute of Musicology – University of Warsaw (Emily Peppers), Universitat de Lleida (Esther Sole, Marius Bernado), Music Tech France, Aniebiet Inyang Ntui, Altin Guberi, Natalie Senjov-Makohon, Abdul Gafur, Maria Luisa Onida, Maria Gamboa Perez, Martín Gómez-Ullate

Goal of the meeting
The first Stakeholder Workshop on the 20th of september provides opportunities to collaborate and co-author novel research in the various fields Polifonia is involved in. Stakeholders can extend their own network of contacts in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graphs, Cultural Heritage, Music Information Retrieval, History, and beyond. In return Polifonia looks forward to gaining insights in stakeholders’ projects and expertise.

Agenda September 20th
In the morning session a selection of 6 stakeholders present their work to the network. In the afternoon we take a deep dive into Polifonia prototypes of tools and technologies during round table sessions with our network members. Find a detailed program below.

Time  Topic 
09.30-10.00  Walk-in with coffee 
10.00-10.10  Opening by Polifonia by  Project leader Valentina Presutti 
10.10-10.25  Stakeholder Network Workshop Introduction by Albert Meroño PeñuelaIntroduction to the Polifonia Stakeholder Network Goals for the day  
  Stakeholder session – Presentations 
10.25-12.30  Speaker: Romain Hennequin, Music Information Retrieval engineer/ lead research scientist (Deezer) – Issues in the organization of a large music catalog no one really wants to talk aboutSpeaker: Eric van Balkum, metadata specialist (Podiumkunst.net) – Podiumkunst.net: connecting music and other performing arts collections with the RDA Ontology Speaker: Kévin Roger, research engineer (University of Tours) – An introduction to MUSICA2 (University of Tours)Speaker:  Joséphine Simonnot, research engineer (CNRS) – An introduction to PRISM LaboratorySpeaker:  Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans, musicologist (University of Louvain) – From University to Conservatory and Museum: sharing experiencesSpeaker: Rodolphe Bailey, director of the Resources Center Philharmonie de Paris – ScoreBot – A chatbot specialized in music scores   
12.30-14.00  Lunch 
  Parallel sessions
14.00-16.30  Roundtable Session 1 – Computational Musicology and Knowledge Graphs (TUNES, TONALITIES, FACETS, INTERLINK, ORGANS)
Chairs: Jacopo de Berardinis, Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann, Peter van KranenburgRoundtable Session 2 – Musical Cultural Heritage (BELLS, MUSICBO, Web Portal)
Chairs: Eleonora Marzi, Marilena Daquino Roundtable Session 3 – Music History & Education (CHILD, MEETUPS, ACCESS)
Chairs: Paul Mulholland, Enrico Daga 
16.30-17.00  Wrap-up and summary of conclusions by Albert Meroño Peñuela
17.00  End of workshop and drinks 

Recent News

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746