Workshop Music Meets Machines (Oct, 13.)
Friday Oct. 13, high school students are able to explore music history withcutting-edge technologies. The Music Meets Machines: Exploring Music’s Hidden Connections with AI and Knowledge Graphs is a workshop organised by Polifonia and The Open University.

On Friday Oct. 13, high school students are able to explore music history withcutting-edge technologies. The Music Meets Machines: Exploring Music’s Hidden Connections with AI and Knowledge Graphs is a workshop organised by Polifonia and The Open University.

Polifonia is proud to launch this initiative in collaboration with the Knowledge Media Institute of the The Open University. During the 60 min workshop Music Meets Machines teenagers will dive into the possibilities of Knowledge Graphs and generative AI-tools in relation to musical heritage data. This session is for all secondary school students of 14 and over interested in the technologies behind Wikipedia, Amazon & Google and those interested in music, genres, artists and cultural heritage. They will see where these worlds come together and learn to create their own codes.
The registration for this workshop is closed, but interested teachers can reach out to Alba Morales Tirado (Open University) for more information: alba.morales-tirado[at]