Lecture: How do you predict the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest?
Louis Peter Grijp lecture 2021 by computational musicologist John Ashley Burgoyne

On May 22, millions of Europeans will be glued to the TV again to see who will be the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. In the fifth Louis Peter Grijp lecture, music scientist and big data analyst John Ashley Burgoyne reveals the recipe for a Eurovision Song Contest hit. He will discuss whether melody or rhythmic patterns make people hooked.
The annual lecture was hosted by the Meertens Institute (KNAW) on 10 May 2021. It can now be watched on the youtube of the institute, see here (the language of the event is Dutch). An international symposium connected to this research will be soon announced.
Fore more information on the ‘The Hooked on Music’ research project, see here.
Image: Night song festival 2013 in Tartu, Estonia by Alar Mägi