Polifonia meets all-aged science fans during Researchers’ Night 2022
Researchers’ Night 2022, or in the Italian city of Bologna better known as Notte dei Ricercatori 2022!

One week ago the Polifonia team presented project highlights and data stories during the Researchers’ Night 2022, or in the Italian city of Bologna better known as Notte dei Ricercatori 2022!

On Friday 30 September 2022 was the Researchers’ Night, an EU-initiative that promotes the dissemination of scientific culture through open workshops, live experiments, shows, conferences, debates and insights. The European Researchers’ Night was held simultaneously in 25 countries across Europe. During the night thousands of scientists will meet the public of all ages in a fun and stimulating way, in the streets, squares, laboratories and universities to reach as many citizens as possible.

Polifonia was among these many scientists, ready to inform an interested all-age crowd about the project. The MUSICBO, BELLS and FACETS pilots, and also CHOCO, LHARP, LEXICON were all introduced by our Italian project members.
Polifonia thanks the wonderful and curious audience present during this event. Here are some photos of this successful night!