The Polifonia portal presented at the Interfaces DARIAH event
Partners from KNAW, CNRS, and OU introduced the Polifonia portal at the Interfaces DARIAH Annual Event 7-9 September 2021

Polifonia members delivered the presentation ‘The Polifonia portal: a confluence of user stories, research pilots, data management and knowledge graph technology’ at the Interfaces DARIAH Annual event between September 7-9, 2021 – hold virtually. The details of the programme can be found here.
Andrea Scharnhorst, Femmy Admiraal, Peter van Kranenburg from KNAW, Christophe Guillotel-Nothmann from CNRS, Paul Mulholland from OU talked about the creation process of the Polifonia portal. More specifically they discussed the various means used in the project to organise information exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, and negotiate epistemic frameworks. The extended abstract and presentation can be found here in the dedicated Zenodo.
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Image credits: Presentation slide by A. Scharnhorst, F. Admiraal, et al.